Controls the saving of terminal data to the scroll buffer. Currently enabled. Controls the saving of terminal data to the scroll buffer. Currently disabled. Clear all text from the scroll buffer. Repeat the last search. (No searches have been made.) Repeat the last search. Search the buffer for text. Open keyboard buffer window. You type into it and it is sent out when you hit Return. Selects all the text in the scroll buffer. Copies the current selection to the modem and the clipboard. Clears the current selection. (There is nothing selected right now.) Clears the current selection. Pastes the current selection. (Can't paste because there is no text in the clipboard.) Pastes the clipboard contents to the modem. Copies the current selection into the clipboard. (There is nothing selected right now.) Copies the current selection into the clipboard. Cuts the current selection into the clipboard. (There is nothing selected right now.) Cuts the current selection into the clipboard. Undo last text change. This item is disabled in ZTerm. Undo last text change. Editing operations.